The Value of Faith, Perseverance, and Holiness Introduction and Greeting In the opening verses of 1 Peter, the apostle introduces himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ and addresses the people in his letter as Christians who are scattered throughout several regions. Peter acknowledges their faith and encourages them by reminding them of their new birth through Christ and the hope they have in him. The Value of Faith Peter emphasizes the value of faith in God, which is being tested by trials. He explains that faith will be proven genuine through perseverance and that it will result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Peter encourages the people to remain steadfast in faith in reminder that faith is more valuable than gold, which perishes even though it is tested by fire. The Hope of Salvation Peter tells of the hope of salvation in Christ. He explains that salvation is the goal of faith and that the prophets of old searched and inquired about this salvati...
Welcome! Faith is an essential part of our lives. It brings meaning and purpose to everything we do. The goal here is to provide inspirational content that encourages you in your walk with God and strengthens your relationship with Him. The hope is that this blog is a source of encouragement, inspiration, and spiritual growth- Glenda Coker Show: