We serve an awesome GOD who is worthy of all praise, glory and honor! Let us praise and worship the LORD our GOD each and every day! Stay in prayer and read HIS Word daily. Maintain your own personal relationship with HIM.
In both of Joseph's dreams, he was the authority figure. In the Book of Genesis 37:3, it says that Jacob, Joseph's father loved him more than all his other children. In verse 4, it says because the brothers saw that Joseph was loved more, they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him. As the story goes on, the brothers stripped Joseph from the beautiful and colorful coat his father had made him. They end up throwing Joseph into a pit and selling him to the Ismeelites for 20 pieces of silver. Joseph's coat was taken and dipped into goats blood. They returned to their father with the coat. The father, Israel (Jacob) recognized the coat as being Joseph's, his son. He began to weep sorely for his son because he thought a wild animal had killed him. Joseph is taken into Egypt... To read the full account, turn your Bibles to: Genesis, Chapter 37, Verses 1-36. Thank you for your time. * Join my podcast show Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 P.M on: Spre...